Meanwhile in King's Landing
Desire is not required, baby, only patience!
Margery slips Olenna a note
The seed, that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose.
Meanwhile in the North
John, Sansa, and Davos try to drum up an army
Wun Wun is in in
Meanwhile back at King's Landing
Olena cuts a heel promo on Cersei on her way out of town
"I wonder if you're the worst person I've ever met." ha!
Meanwhile in Riverrun
Bronn is back! And he's wearing eye liner.
The Fray boys swerve killing Edmure
and Jamie puts the smackdown on them
Meanwhile on Bear Island
The recruiting team picks up 62 Mormonts. Woo.
Meanwhile back at Riverrun
Jamie draws the drawbridge
And cuts a babyface promo on the blackfish
Meanwhile at the uhhh Castle of Glover
Sansa pulls the bannerman card and whiffs
Meanwhile in our favorite Volantine whorehouse
Yara is gettin some and peer pressuring Theon to drink
Meanwhile back on the interminable recruting trail
John wants a fight and Sansa writes a letter
Meanwhile in Braaavos
Arya throws some silver around
Takes it to the bridge, takes the waifs knife, takes a plunge
And takes a stumble through town
And back in the Shire
The Hound chops branches
And fails to notice all his friends are dead
See ya Al!